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Oak Street is a fully integrated package. You get all you need to run your entire operation.

Simply put, the program knows what you need, and puts everything where it's supposed to go.

The support section is currently available to Oak Street users who have registered for internet access support. Your Customer ID number can be found on all previous technical support correspondence to you. The Password is the 5-digit zip code of your current shipping address. Click Here

Introducing A Simple, Practical, and Cost–Effective Solution for Title III of the Bioterrorism Act

Oak Street©, our flagship software for wholesalers, distributors and manufacturers,
can track each lot number of each food product sent to your customers.

Features of our solution:

  • Easy entry of lot numbers and lot dates
  • Handles food products as well as individual ingredients
  • Your lot numbers are automatically linked to customer invoices
  • Reports comply with FDA requirements

How our system works:
Whether you manufacture an ingredient, or you receive-in and distribute finished merchandise, all you have to do is enter a lot number, one time, onto a single Oak Street screen.  Our software keeps track of everything associated with that lot number from this point on. There’s no need for additional entry of lot number information at any other step in the process. 

For manufacturers, our software keeps track of which lot numbers are being used in the manufacture of a given item, and records which customers were shipped those ingredients with the designated lot numbers.

For distributors, our software keeps track of the lot numbers of each ingredient which comprises the product being shipped to your designated customers.

And, as you are probably aware, within a 4 hour ‘compliance window’, the FDA can require the following information:

For manufactures: a report showing their customers who were shipped any ingredient, along with it’s designated lot number.

For distributors: a report showing an itemized listing of every customer to whom you shipped a product with a specified lot number.

Compliance with FDA reporting is easy for Oak Street, because, with your single entry of a lot number into our software, we maintain a permanent, reportable history for each lot number entered into our system.  That means Oak Street can produce the desired report in 4 MINUTES …NOT HOURS!

Thinking of using an independent program to comply with the FDA requirements?  The problem with this approach is that you are running two independent systems…relying on double entry of data.  That means there is no ‘forced validation’ to ensure that the correct lot numbers are being linked to the specified ingredients or products. That’s because there is no tie-in between your operations management software and the independent compliance tracking system.

For questions about our solution, call Industrious Software, and ask to speak to Dave at Extension 108.



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